The New Year is starting, and that means the start of a new chapter in life. If you’re like me, you might not have known that travel resolutions were a thing. I was assigned this topic to write about and I’ll be honest, I really had no idea what it would be. Without knowing, I realized I made travel resolutions last year by promising to myself that I would travel more. Whether it was to a state park in my backyard or to a different state. I just wanted to get out more, be in nature, and take more pictures. I ended up taking all of my vacation time this year, and then some. Woops! I was able to take a few extra vacations because I made it a point to do so and having the Sundance Vacations travel package makes it affordable to do so.Now that I have a real list to look at, I will absolutely practice them on my next vacation. If you’re one of those who skipped vacation last year, don’t repeat it this year.
Did you know that there is a national day specifically to plan your vacations? #NationalPlanForVacationDay is on January,25th. Take advantage of this day and actually take the time to set dates for your vacation this year. ‘It’s not just a vacation’, it’s a way to keep balance in your life.
1. Talk to Strangers
I don’t have a problem making friends while on vacation. You can usually find me chatting with the person in front of me in line waiting to grab a bite to eat or well, just about anywhere. What can I say, I’m a social little butterfly. I know that many people actually have a fear of talking to strangers, and it just makes them feel awkward starting a conversation with just anyone. What better time to get over that feeling, then while on vacation? If you’re checking out the sights and people are around, try to engage with other travelers. This spot you’re in together is a perfect way to start a conversation, making it easier to bond with them. If you’re at a restaurant, making conversation about the city you’re in can help also. It won’t hurt to buy your new friend a drink and say cheers! Break out of your shell and start a conversation! What have you got to lose?
2. Unplug from devices
It’s hard to just disconnect from work and the internet when on vacation. After all, Wi-Fi is nearly everywhere now. You may find yourself constantly checking your phone, checking emails and making sure you’re still connected to work or home. Next time you’re on vacation, I dare you to try to just leave your devises in your bag or put them in airplane mode so you’re not tempted to connect. This may be easier said than done. I know I am guilty of checking social media while on vacation and I hate it. There’s nothing more important than the people I am spending time with and sometimes I just need a distraction. It’s not fair to your kids to have your head in your phone and I try to be better at this every day. Your kids are used to seeing mom and dad getting up and doing their daily routine. Taking a Vacation literally takes you away from all of that and forces you to unwind and have a good time. Vacations let your child see you in a different way, a more fun, playful way! You get to forget all the chores and what’s waiting for you at home and you get to enjoy yourself and the time you’re spending with your family. Instead of spending time on your phone, grab a ball and play with your kids. They may need to have their devices taken away too. Things are so different nowadays, when I was a kid, you couldn’t keep me inside the house. Now, it’s a challenge to get kids outside and active.
3. Stay healthy while traveling
This is a big one. We might get carried away with trying to do a lot while on vacation because we’re not at work and want to get the most out of our time away. There are germs everywhere and you might not think about that while on vacation. There’s nothing worse than getting sick on vacation. Check out ‘8 Ways to Avoid a Summer Cold’. I like to take precautions to avoid getting sick and I also like to stay hydrated. I always carry Airborne or Emergen-C with me to stay full of good vitamins. I also pack Pedialyte to stay hydrated and full of electrolytes. We are out in the sun longer than usual on vacation and we may overindulge in more beverages than usual. The Pedialyte will help keep you hydrated and ready for your next adventure. Try to drink more water too, that is always a tough one for me because I hate it. That’s why I take Mio on the road with me as well. My New Year’s resolution this year is to drink more water. Wish me luck!
4. Enjoy mini-vacations
Taking a vacation doesn’t have to cost a fortune and you don’t need to hop on an airplane to have fun and relax. The important thing to keep in mind, relaxation is key. You can plan a vacation that is a short drive away from your house to explore your own state, or you can fill up the gas tank and take a quick drive to a state near you. In September, I went on a vacation to Esplanade Suites in New Jersey and I absolutely loved it! The weather was perfect, the boardwalk was still open and there were fewer crowds than prime time at the beach. Esplanade was a short drive away from home and we saved money on accommodations by booking through Sundance Vacations.
5. Go to bed early and wake up earlier
While on vacation, I usually stay up late and try to sleep in as late as my 2-year-old son allows. This past year, I tried something new and loved it! My boyfriend and I were lucky enough to spend this vacation alone, just the two of us celebrating our Anniversary. We went to bed a little earlier than usual and woke up before the sunrise. We took a short walk to Wildwood Beach. Just picture this, it was still pitch dark out and all you could see was the reflection of the stars on the water. You don’t hear traffic or sirens, just simply the waves crashing onto the beach. It’s so unbelievably peaceful. There’s something about having the opportunity to watch the world wake up that changes your attitude. It really helps your day start off on the right foot. We found some really cool seashells, crabs, starfish and washed up horseshoe crabs. I never saw one in person before! They look like a creature that should be crawling around in outer space. If we didn’t wake up early, I would have never seen them.
6. Stay a little longer if you’re able to
I can’t tell you how many times I have scheduled a vacation, then decided at the last minute to stay another day. I was having so much fun that I didn’t want to go home. I have called off the following day to give myself more time to enjoy at the beach. After all, “An ocean breeze puts the mind at ease.” If you have the PTO time available, I want you to do this at least once. Be spontaneous and take an extra day to be away from home. It really makes that last day away, that much better. You deserve extra time to be away. Time to just be you and forget about taking the garbage out, walking the dog or work deadlines. Relax and have more fun!
7. Try something new
This past vacation, I tried something new by going to bed early and waking up early and I absolutely loved that morning! I challenge you to try something new. If you go to the same vacation spot, try checking out a new location. Sundance Vacations has inventory that is changing daily, so you can find somewhere new to explore. Do you love food as much as me? Then try something new on the menu! While on vacation, there are tons of different activities to enjoy. I have always wanted to try parasailing, but we haven’t got around to it yet. Challenge yourself to color outside of the lines and live a little!
8. Look up
This is probably one of my favorite travel resolutions, but I do this as often as I can. My mom got me doing this on my first vacation away from her. I wasn’t even 10 years old and she must have known I would be homesick. She snuck a picture of her any my dad in my luggage and on the back, she wrote “Every night at 9:00, look up at the moon. I will be looking up at the moon at the same time as you and we will be looking at it together.” That helped me feel like we were close, even though I was in Florida and she was in Pennsylvania. I always take time now to lay on my back on the beach and just look at the clouds during the day. I love stars and I love the moon. I can easily get lost looking into the dark, starry sky at night. It’s nice to lay there and just forget about bills and what needs to get done. In that moment, you’re just still and relaxed, you might even catch a shooting star to make a wish on! Seriously, take the time to stop, lay on a blanket and look up at the stars and do absolutely nothing. You don’t need to be at the beach to do this, you can be anywhere! During the day, do the same with the clouds. If you have little ones, try to make shapes and animals out of the clouds. My son is still a little too young to enjoy this with him, but we will give it a try!
9. Make a Travel Bucket List
Take time to sit down and think about where you really want to go on vacation. Writing down the destinations sets a reminder of where you want to go, and makes it a goal. If you have your goals written down, you’re more likely to actually achieve them. You can start small and think of somewhere you want to go this summer. Fill up the gas tank and take a road trip to Myrtle Beach if you haven’t done so. It’s not too far of a drive but it’s an amazing beach destination vacation. Maybe you want to stay a little closer to home. Esplanade Suites or Woodfield Manor are two great options as well. You can always set future vacation plans too, so you know realistically how much you need to spend on your dream vacation. If you start this list, you can see just how much you need to save to make those travel dreams a reality.
I set goals last year to travel more and I did. This year I want to follow the above travel resolutions to make my year full of memories, travel and excitement. I hope you are lucky enough to travel at least once a year. You work so hard every day, that you might forget to take time for what really matters, your own mental health. It’s important to work to make sure bills are paid but it’s also important to set aside funds for a vacation to have time to enjoy life and new adventures.
10. Make a Travel Bucket List
Take time to sit down and think about where you really want to go on vacation. Writing down the destinations sets a reminder of where you want to go, and makes it a goal. If you have your goals written down, you’re more likely to actually achieve them. You can start small and think of somewhere you want to go this summer. Fill up the gas tank and take a road trip to Myrtle Beach if you haven’t done so. It’s not too far of a drive but it’s an amazing beach destination vacation. Maybe you want to stay a little closer to home. Esplanade Suites or Woodfield Manor are two great options as well. You can always set future vacation plans too, so you know realistically how much you need to spend on your dream vacation. If you start this list, you can see just how much you need to save to make those travel dreams a reality.
I set goals last year to travel more and I did. This year I want to follow the above travel resolutions to make my year full of memories, travel and excitement. I hope you are lucky enough to travel at least once a year. You work so hard every day, that you might forget to take time for what really matters, your own mental health. It’s important to work to make sure bills are paid but it’s also important to set aside funds for a vacation to have time to enjoy life and new adventures.
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