The topic of an online commentary that centers on a topic that has gained the attention of a Facebook page called “Airlines should have kid-free flights” created by a man by the name of Ian Burford has our founder, Tina Dowd, hot under the collar. After reading the article, which was posted here on USA Today Travel, Tina had this to say:
As an owner of a travel company I travel a LOT which means that my children travel a LOT. I was appalled at Buford’s suggestion of segregation. Buford obviously doesn’t understand the term “public transportation.” If he doesn’t want to be inconvenienced by “the public” whether they be a crying baby or an overweight passenger I have one suggestion for him……fly private. Net jets or any other fractional jet ownership company will gladly take his money and he can enjoy leg room and complete solitude. I wrote about this segregation issue in a previous blog post about segregated security lines for “expert” travelers as opposed to “family and casual travelers”. When we travel as a family we ALWAYS select the expert traveler lane because we ARE expert, family travelers. If we allow Buford or any other intolerant traveler to demand segregation, who’s next?
Do you travel with children? Do you like your flights kid-free? Should the airlines create segregated cabins for families?
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